Dr. Velázquez is a licensed clinical neuropsychologist with experience in forensics. She is an expert in cross-cultural issues and a Spanish-Speaking clinician with experience in immigration and disenfranchised individuals. She also provides consultation to clinicians and researchers regarding pertinent immigration, trauma, cultural, and linguistic concerns.


Casey-Cannon, S., Nguyen, W., & Velázquez, C.C. (2006). Engaging social justice: Applying ecological models of career development to advocate for client, organization, and personal change. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 21, 22-33.

Casey-Cannon, S., Coleman, H.L.K., Knudtson, L.F., & Velázquez, C.C. (2011). Three Ethnic and Racial Identity Measures: Concurrent and Divergent Validity for Diverse Adolescents. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 11:64–91

Govind, V., Willen, E., Cuadra, A., Molina, M., Velazquez, C., Longa, C., Post, M.J.D., Arheart, K., Maudsley, A.A. (July, 2012). Whole-brain Proton MR Spectroscopic  Imaging in Adults Perinatally infected with HIV and Correlation with Neuropsychological Deficits. Paper abstract published for the XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC.


Jackson, V. W. & Velazquez, C.C. (2016, July).  Multicultural Consultation Model in Psychiatric Inpatient Settings.  Individual session at the American Psychological Association Division 45 Research Conference, Stanford, CA.   

Velazquez, C.C., Butt, S.B., & Winter, A. (August, 2011). Neuropsychological performance in pediatric chronic illness: Sickle Cell Disease, Perinatally Acquired HIV/AIDS, and Cancer. Symposium presented for the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Goldstein, A., Velazquez, C.C., Willen, E.J. (August, 2011). The effects of prenatal substance use on processing speed in pediatric HIV encephalopathy. Poster session submitted for the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Velázquez, C.C., Butt, S. M., Willen, E., Goldman, M.L., & Armstrong, F.D. (February, 2011). Regression based norms for motor speed and manual dexterity in pediatric Sickle Cell Disease and Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Poster session presented at the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.

Velázquez, C.C., Lee, P., Cuadra, A., & Willen, E. (August, 2010). HIV/AIDS Disease Factors and Academic Achievement in Children. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.

Velázquez, C.C., & Casey-Cannon, S. (August, 2009). The Wisconsin Card Sorting Task: Reading ability and acculturation in a Mexican American Sample. Poster Presented at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Kasuga, S., Casey-Cannon, S., & Velázquez, C.C. (August, 2008). Coping with Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Identity in Monoethnic, Biethnic and Multiethnic Adolescents. Poster Presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA.

Casey-Cannon, S., Velázquez, C.C., Coleman, H.L.K., & Schlosser, D.A. (August, 2007).  Ethnic Identity, Coping with Cultural Diversity Strategies, and Adolescent Academic Success. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Velázquez, C.C., & Casey-Cannon, S. (August, 2006). Latino adolescents’ academic/household responsibilities, academic success and educational aspirations. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, APAGS Division.

Casey-Cannon, S., Coleman, H.L.K., Fillingame, L.K., & Velázquez, C.C. (August, 2006). Three ethnic identity measures: Validation and concurrent validity for adolescents. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.